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I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. October 27, 2010

Posted by Teen Atheist in Uncategorized.

UPDATE #1: I got my domain back! Many thanks to Kurtis for the pleasant surprise:

So I stumbled upon your blog, really liked what I saw, read that you had drama with the domain name owner, bought it, and forwarded it here. It should work again in a matter of seconds.

I am an atheist in my mid twenties, and really wish that I would have had a fall back like this when I went through my exit from the christian church. I think that this blog is a very important and had no problem fronting the cost for the domain name to keep traffic coming your way.

UPDATE #2: The (Erstwhile?) Teen Atheist is officially living in America now! East Coast. “I’m an alien, I’m a legal alien…”

Shit’s expensive, I feel shorter and smaller (I was downright Amazonian in my old country), and men are way more straightforward. I got carded for chocolate once. I dated a tall hot blond guy from the Pentagon for, like, a week, until an afternoon in Washington DC with him turned into a live reenactment of He’s Just Not That Into You — men, dude, they’re so unpredictable, maybe it was his time of the month. I can’t get a job until my SSN and green card come in the mail. I hope I do not turn into a hipster. AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!


1. Jasmine - October 27, 2010

hey there, glad u posted once again.
I really like your writing style. I’m from some middle east country and was raised as a muslim but right now I’m not sure about anything…
anyways,I really like to read more from you,I just read your whole blog! and in one of the comments I noticed that you mentioned you were running other blogs too, is that right? I’d love to be able to visit them too. I’m not interested in revealing ur identity since I don’t even have a blog or anything, and I’m not connected to any groups so I think you could give the URLs and trust me.

2. Rafael - October 28, 2010

“Shit’s expensive, I feel shorter and smaller (I was downright Amazonian in my old country), and men are way more straightforward. I got carded for chocolate once.”

I’m sure my sister who’s living in New York can relate to that. She told me about the time a cop thought she was a kid and walked her home. If I remember correctly, he was surprised to learn that she was already in her late twenties at that time – and promptly asked her out (she turned him down).

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